How to create more advanced quota cells (advanced option)
To create even more advanced quota cells, e.g. quota cells based on numeric questions, you can also do this:
- Create a hidden, auto filled question using answer control (range) statements, and autofill with Sys_range
- Use this question as input in the quota creation process
- The answer control syntax combines the year of birth (numeric) and gender(single):
- 1 try \gender=1&\year.1=1900:1959 2 try \gender=1&\year.1=1960:1995 3 try \gender=2&\year.1=1900:1954 4 try \gender=2&\year.1=1955:1995
- The hidden functionality automatically fills in the categories based on the previous answers.
- Use sys_range c
- Create the quota cell using the combined question.
Note: The hidden, autofilled question must be created before field work starts. Otherwise, the questions will not be autofilled for the respondents doing interviews before the hidden question was created.