How do I categorize a numeric variable in my charts?
If the response has been captured as a numeric variable (figure), you may only show averages.
However, in some cases, e.g. if you want to use a numeric variable in a series break (Year of birth ==> age categories), you will need to follow these steps:
- Select the numeric question you want to categorize. Right click. The “Options when opens”
- Select “Edit question“. The question editor appears
- Right click in the “Response columns” area and select “Create header (Categorize)
- Specify the numeric (age) span you want, and give it your own description
- Research Analyzer will automatically suggest that next span is the same . You may of course override this
- Repeat until you have created enough categories for your purpose. The select close. The created categories may very well overlap each other.
- Create a new question text that better describes the created categories.
- You may now use this categorized question in both columns and rows