Modifying CSS output from tables, top-line, data and dig analysis

Classes used:

Default values and general:

Class name Where used
html top-level page layout etc
body top-level, general font, background etc
divComment div containing comments


Class name Where used
divG wrapper div for a chart (contains divGContainer, scripts etc)
divGContainer div containing the chart itself

Dig analysis:

Class name Where used
divDig wrapper div for a dig analysis
divFilterDig div containing the filter (target group) definition of a dig analysis (at the top of a dig analysis)
tableDig the table containing the dig analysis
trDigHearder table header row
thDig table header cell
thDig sub class Where used
textCell cell containing strings
numCell cell containing numeric values
trDig normal dig table row
tdDig normal dig table cell
tdDig sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
adress cell containing the dig address
numCell cell containing numeric values
numCell sub class Where used
chi2dColor99 backgroud-color for chi2 99% significance or more
chi2dColor97 backgroud-color for chi2 97% significance or more
chi2dColor95 backgroud-color for chi2 95% significance or more
vertColor50 backgroud-color for 50% or more in target group
vertColor40 backgroud-color for 40% or more in target group
vertColor30 backgroud-color for 30% or more in target group
vertColor20 backgroud-color for 50% or more in target group


Class name Where used
divFreq wrapper div for a frequency analysis
tableFreq the table conatining the frequency analysis
trFreqHeader the header frequency row
thFreq the header frequency cell
thFreq sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
header1 frequency header level 1
header2 frequency header level 2
numCell cell containing numeric values
trFreq normal frequency row
tdFreq normal frequency cell
tdFreq sub class Where used
textCell cell containing strings
numCell cell containing numeric values


Class name Where used
divData wrapper div for data analysis
tableData the table conatining the data
trDataHeader the header row
thData the header cell
thData sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
header1 data header level 1
header2 data header level 2
numCell cell containing numeric values
trData normal data row
tdData normal data cell
tdData sub class Where used
textCell cell containing strings
numCell cell containing numeric values


Class name Where used
divXt wrapper div for a crosstables
divFilterXt div containing the filter (at the top, before a table)
divTitleXt used for standalone titles
tableXt the table containing the cross-table analysis
trXtTitle the row conating the table title (first  row of a table)
tdXtTitle the cell containing the table title
trXtHeader the row containing the table header
thXt the cell conatining table header
thXt sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
desc cell containing the table cell content description
numCell cell containing numeric values
trXt normal table row
trXt sub class Where used
firstinmutirow first row when row contains rowspanning cells
numCell cell containing numeric values
trXtBlock row contaning a row-block description (tdXt cell's)
trXtBase row contaning base documentation (tdXt cell's)
row containing t-test documentation (tdXt cell's)
tdXt normal cell in a table
tdXt sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
desc cell containing the table cell content description
data data columns containing text values
(in std CSS extra settings when part of trXt row, and firstinmultirow)
numCell cell containing numeric values
(in std CSS extra settings when part of trXt row and firstinmultirow)
rolled table cell that is part of a rolled (sorted) column
chi2u table cell with chi2 test active (positiv correlation - up)
chi2d table cell with chi2 test active (negative correlation - down)
divScaling div containing scaling information
spanScaling span containing scaling information


Class name Where used
divTopline wrapper div for a topline analysis
tableTopline the table containing the topline analysis
trToplineHeader the row containing the table header
thTopline the cell conatining table header
thTopline sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
header1 cell containing strings at level 1
header2 cell containing strings at level 2
header3 cell containing strings at level 3
numCell cell containing numeric values
trTopline normal table row
trTopline sub class Where used
firstinmutirow first row when row contains rowspanning cells
tdTopline normal cell in a table
tdTopline sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
(in std CSS extra settings when part of  firstinmultirow)
(also the base value column has extra settings in the std CSS, based on that i follows class .tdTopline.numCell using a + sign i the CSS)
numCell cell containing numeric values
(in std CSS extra settings when part of  firstinmultirow)


Class name Where used
divXt wrapper div for a crosstables
divFilterXt div containing the filter (at the top, before a table)
divTitleXt used for standalone titles
tableXt the tavle containing the cross-table analysis
trXtTitle the row conating the table title (first  row of a table)
tdXtTitle the cell containing the table title
trXtHeader the row containing the table header
thXt the cell conatining table header
thXt sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
desc cell containing the table cell content description
numCell cell containing numeric values
trXt normal table row
trXt sub class Where used
firstinmutirow first row when row contains rowspanning cells
trXtBlock row contaning a row-block description (tdXt cell's)
trXtBase row contaning base documentation (tdXt cell's)
row containing t-test documentation (tdXt cell's)
tdXt normal cell in a table
tdXt sub class Where used
textCell cell containing string values (e.g. description)
textCell sub class Where used
desc cell containing the table cell content description
data data columns containing text values
(in std CSS extra settings when part of trXt row, and firstinmultirow)
numCell cell containing numeric values
(in std CSS extra settings when part of trXt row and firstinmultirow)
rolled table cell that is part of a rolled (sorted) column
chi2u table cell with chi2 test active (positiv correlation - up)
chi2d table cell with chi2 test active (negative correlation - down)
divScaling div containing scaling information
spanScaling span containing scaling information