Changing the Panel Manager view

The default Panel Manager view shows the results ordered by Last Name, First Name and Email Address.  Additional information can be shown using the Columns button on the toolbar.

Select the Columns button to see the Manage Display Columns dialog.

The Selection box on the left shows the folders of variables that may be selected from as display columns.  The Sort Order box on the right shows the columns already displayed.

The variables that are available for use in Panel Manager are defined in Hierarchy Manager, which can be found within the Maintenance menu.  In order to be available within Panel Manager, each variable must have the ‘Allowed in Panel Management’ checkbox ticked.

Adding columns

You may also want to display Total Reward Points and Age.  To add Total Reward Points we will perform a variable search by entering the text ‘reward’ in the search field and clicking on Search.  (You could also navigate to the variable by expanding folders, if you know where to find it).

Select the variable Total Reward Points.

It will appear at the bottom of the Sort Order box.

Now reset the variables displayed by clicking on Reset, and expand the folders to select Age from the Main Profiler folder.  (Alternatively you could perform another search to find it).  It will be added to the bottom of the Sort Order box.

Removing columns

To remove a display column select the column within the SortOrder box and click on the delete button.  Alternatively, you could navigate to the variable within the Variables hierarchy and de-select it.

Changing column order

We also want to move the First Name column so that it is displayed before the Last Name.  Do this by clicking on the First Name column within the Sort Order box and moving it up using the arrow buttons.

Default column selection

Finally, to save these columns so that they will always be displayed when using Panel Manager, tick the checkbox Save as default column selection.  The default columns apply to a user, so each user can have their own set of default columns.

If you do not tick this box after making changes, the columns will be reset to the previous default values (in our example Last Name, First Name and Email Address) when Panel Manager is exited.

Click OK to save the changes and return to Panel Manager.  The results of our filter will be re-displayed using our new column selection and ordering.

The panellist records are ordered by the First Name column.

Sorting columns

Display columns can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.  For example, if the Age column is clicked once, the panellists are then re-ordered by ascending Age.

Click again to order by descending Age.  Click again to revert to the original order.

Columns may be made wider or narrower by hovering the mouse between column header names and dragging to resize.