Managing content in Kentico 9

The Q_Panel web parts represent web page components that provide content and functionality for Q_Community. Using the web parts, users with the appropriate permissions can build or modify the structure of pages.

From the Content Management application group, select the Pages application. Choose the page from the content tree on the left-hand site.  In Edit mode (top left-hand corner) select the Design tab.

Click on the we part you want to edit and select Configure icon from the drop-down menu.

The Web part properties dialog will be shown for the individual web part instance, and the properties can be set.

For more information about the Q_Panel web parts, including details of all the web part properties, see the relevant articles. 

To learn about web parts in general, or to obtain detailed documentation for the Kentico CMS web parts included in the default Kentico CMS installation, see the Kentico reference guides which can be found at

Configuration - Resource Strings

Many of the messages and labels displayed on Q_Community are defined in Resource Srings within the Localization application on the Configuration application group.  (Others are defined within Q_Panel Message Manager or within Q_Panel web parts).

To edit these strings go to the Configuration application group and select the Localization application.

In the example below, a filter has been applied to show only MARSC specific strings (this has been done by entering Key: LIKE ‘MARSC’), for the default culture English (United Kingdom).

There are several pages of these that you can scroll through.  Note that if any of the strings are particularly long you may need to scroll across to the right to see the full text.

To modify the default text click on Edit next to the string you want to change.  Enter the text within the translation box for the default culture and press Save when complete.

There are also many Kentico strings within the default installation, any of which may be edited, but not all of these will be used in your system.

Resource String Localisations

If Q_Community supports more than one culture (or language) then the localisations (or translations) for Resource Strings may also be displayed be selecting the culture from the drop-down box on the top right.

In the example below, the Culture – French-France has been selected, and the filter has been modified to show only MARSC specific strings that have a translation for this culture (this has been done by entering Key: Contains ‘MARSC’ and Translated: Is not empty).

To view or edit the translations click on Edit next to the string you want to change.  Enter the text within the translation box for the relevant culture and press Save when complete.

To show only MARSC specific strings that DO NOT have a translation for the selected culture, apply the filter Key: Contains ‘MARSC’ and Translated: Is empty.

If a translation has not been provided the default text will be displayed on the Q_Community website wherever the string is used.

Note that if the default or translated text is particularly long you may need to scroll across to the right to see the full definition.

As not all of the Kentico strings from the default installation will be used in Q_Community they do not all require to be translated.