How to specify field work period and target

To specify start time, end time and target number of interviews there are two buttons available.

Start and end time

  • Start time: If start time is before current time, interviews will be sent out as soon as the project is launched. Else the mail invites will be sent at the specified time.
  • End time: No new interviews can be started after the specified period.

Survey target

Please note that the survey will not close when the target is reached. The target is only used for reporting.

Multiple samples – with individual scheduling

The timing specified in the dialogue box above specifies the timing for the data collection for the specified questionnaire.

Research Studio also enables you to import multiple samples to the questionnaire, and specify individual timings for these. In other words, you can schedule numerous mail outs in advance, e.g. if the timing is crucial, or should be done automatically during the weekend when no operator is present.

Multiple timings are therefore on a sample level, and specified together with mail creation.