Clean using an imported cleaning variable

1) In  Superdig , make sure that you have ticked the Include Case ID:

Export the relevant data to Excel. and in Excel create a cleaning variable to be used to remove respondents.

2) When you import your cleaning variable, do not click the Automatic/Finalize, but instead  just dismiss that dialog (click Manual or the X)

3) You can disable all variables that were exported except the Case DI and the Cleaning variable you have created.

4) Select the CaseID as the Respondent I, then finalize.

5) Save as ResearchStdui dataset and import in Research Studio.

6) Create a workflow with an Append tool. Select the two datasets, and use the "Master" as you want all respondents in the original dataset, and tick Respondent ID for both datasets.

7) Finally, add a Filter and Create tool, where you select the previous append tool as input, specify the name of your new dataset as output, and create a filter where you exclude the ones that should be cleaned.