How to prepare a survey for launch

After questionnaire design, your questionnaire should be prepared for launching. In the questionnaire designer you can check that all formatting and logic works as intended.

  • Best practice: Check the look and feel in more than one browser. Appearance may differ somewhat depending on browser
  • From the “Tools” menu, click the “Publish” button. A dialogue box appears.

  • Specify any comments, and select  “Publish and exit”

Important: Validation and Publishing

The validation process in MI Pro is very powerful, and this guarantees that all data is consistent and correct.

If you can see your questionnaire in a preview mode in the questionnaire editor it is a valid questionnaire.

If a questionnaire is not valid, you will not be able to publish the questionnaire. In such case the error messages will appear in the validation tab to the left. Click on the error message and this will guide you to the place in the questionnaire where the error occurs.

A novice user may find some of the validation error messages which can appear somewhat cryptic. If you need advice, please contact