How to create a go-to command

Similar to a skip command, a goto command is used to direct a respondent to another question when a particular response is received.

Both these commands also require that the question to skip to or goto must have a name or ID reference. The main difference between the skip command and the goto command is that a goto command may be conditional or not, that is, a condition or “if” statement must be present in order to activate the goto command.

Goto commands are basically elements that can be inserted from the ribbon, “Other”-icon.

Warning: Using a goto command MAY end up in a dead-end part of the questionnaire, e.g. if you goto a part of the questionnaire that requires answers you may have jumped over. Best practice is therefore always to use Filters, either on a section or on a question level. By this you will also have much better overview over your logics. 

The following rules apply to goto commands:

  • Gotos between questions
    • Unconditional jump (just do it)
    • Conditional jump (based on an answer given)
  • Gotos are always to
    • First sub question in a question – If you wish to jump to a different sub question, you can add a filter to the first sub question (default target of the jump) of the appropriate question.
    • Goto=\Ques ID
  • Variations
    • Goto=SectionID (Section referred to)
    • Goto=Nextsection (next Section)
    • Goto=Exit.

Note: If Goto=exit is used, the status of the interview is set to COMPLETE. Normally you will want to set another status (e.g. SCREENED) or you may have timers at the end of the questionnaire. In that case, be sure to goto these and not directly to “Exit”.

When creating a goto command, you first need to mark the question you wish to goto and give the question a unique Question ID (QID). You then need to open the starting question and select the row that will initiate the goto command. Finally, you insert a Goto element and create the condition that will initiate the goto action:

  1. Specify where you want to have the “go to” element
  2. From the options menu, create the condition, using the filter builder
  3. Specify from the drop down list the target if the condition is true