Using metadata in prototypes and samples
Sample Manager provides some pre-set fields on the Properties tab that allow you to store information related to sample projects. However you may have different requirements so Q_Panel also allows you to create your own additional project metadata fields using the Metadata Manager.
The created metadata fields appear on the Metadata tab of the sample project or prototype according to whether they are prototype or sample based.
Mandatory fields always appear and must be given a value before the sample project can be saved or submitted. In the training database the Target Date is mandatory for samples, and the Cost Code is mandatory for prototypes.
Click on the Target Date to enter the value:
Non-mandatory fields may be added using the Add button and may also be given a value:
This information is stored in the panel database. Metadata fields can be used for activity filters in the same way that Q_Panels pre-set fields are used, providing the user sets the Filter option when defining them. Metadata is also available as merge fields within sample mailings.
Example: metadata in the Q_Panel Training database
Name | has been set so that: |
Target Date | Every sample project must have a Target Date and Target Date is available to activity filtering. |
Monthly Report | Every sample project may be marked whether or not it is to be included in the monthly report pack. |
IT resource | Every sample project may be associated with a particular named individual in the IT department |
Project Costing | A cost estimate figure may be input for every sample project |
Note (prot) | A free text note may be added to a prototype |
Note (sample) | A free text note may be added to a sample |
Cost Code (unique) | A unique code must be associated with every prototype and this code is available for activity filtering. |
Channel | Every sample project may have one or more sales channels associated with it and Channel is available for activity filtering. |