Filter Manager
Filter Manager is used to maintain and execute Named and Dedupe filters which are used in Panel Manager. (Filters can also be added and executed from within Panel Manager).
From the Maintenance menu, select Filter Manager. If there are already filters set up in the database they will be listed, otherwise the screen will be empty.
Filters can be sorted by Name, Filter Type, Last Modified By username or by the Modified Date by clicking on the appropriate column header.
Adding filters
To add a new filter click on the New button in the toolbar and select either Profile Filter or Dedupe Filter.
Selecting the Profile Filter option will open the Named Filter dialog, and selecting the Dedupe Filter option will open the Dedupe Filter dialog. The filter can then be defined and saved, ready for use.
Editing filters
To edit an existing filter, select it either by clicking on the filter name within the Filter Manager screen, or by checking the box next to the filter name and selecting Properties from the toolbar. The appropriate filter dialog will be displayed and changes can be made and saved.
Executing filters
Filters may be executed from Filter Manager by checking the box next to its name and selecting Execute from the toolbar. The results will automatically be displayed in Panel Manager ready for use.
Deleting Filters
To delete a filter select it by checking the box next to its name and selecting Delete from the toolbar.