Adding message localistions
To add a message localisation, open Community/Message Manager and select the required message by clicking on it, or by checking the box next to it and clicking on Properties from the toolbar. The Edit Message Detail dialog will be displayed. Click on Add to add a new localisation.
Message localisations can be added when creating a new message, but can also be added later.
From the drop-down menu select the required culture, add the translation and select OK to save. The new localisation will be displayed.
Click on Add to add localisations for other cultures, or Remove to delete a selected localisation.
Click on OK to return to the Message Manager screen.
Message Manager displays messages in the default culture, but this can be changed by selecting another culture from the drop-down menu.
In this example, the culture French – France is selected and the localisation for this language are displayed next to the default message.